Tuesday, July 26, 2016

America's "Doughboys"-- Part 2: Doughboys Eventually Became G.I.s in World War II

Indeed, the term was still in use for American military up to the early part of World War II.    There was a song from 1942 called "Johnny Doughboy Found a Rose in Ireland." and a musical film the same year called "Johnny Doughboy."

However, this term was eventually replaced by the tern "G.I." meaning "Government Issue."

Although the word is most-connected with American soldiers in World War I, its origins are unclear.

During the Napoleonic Wars British sailors and soldiers in Spain certainly knew about fried flour dumplings called "doughboys," which eventually became doughnuts as we know them.

A non-military origin possibility might also have been from the apprenticed boys to bakers during the era who would have, of course, been called "dough-boys."  Also, in 19th century America, the term "doughboy" could mean stupid.

Neither an Apprentice or Stupid Be I.  (Well, Sometimes the Latter.)  --Cooter

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