Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ten Coolest Archaeological Discoveries of 2013-- Part 2

Continued from January 11, 2014. //// 5. WAR'S DESTRUCTION-- Syria. With no one to protect it, the ancient Roman city of Apamea is riddled with looting holes. Ebla, containing thousands of cuneiform tablets, has been thoroughly looted. (Not excatly sure why they included this in the "Cool" category. It is anything but "cool." //// 6. HEROD'S TOMB?-- At the Herodium complex he had built. There is some doubt, however, because of its shoddy and poor construction. The man built magnificent structures. //// 7. STONE HENGE HUNTING GROUNDS-- the area around it might have been a sacred hunting ground where animals used for feasts congregated. Humans came to Stonehenge to feast. //// --Still Not Sure About #5. --Cooter

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