Saturday, January 11, 2014

10 Coolest Archaeolgical Discoveries of 2013-- Part 1

From the Dec. 31, 2013, Yahoo! News/Live Science by Tia Ghose.

1. RICHARD III BONES-- discovered in Leicester, England, under a parking lot. How far the mighty have fallen.

2. ROYAL SQUASH?-- A gourd was found with images of the French Revolution that contained the blood of beheaded King Louis XVI of France. Legend has it that a bystander at the execution scoopd the blood up in their handkerchief and stashed it in the squash.

PRINCE...OOPS!-- Tomb of an Etruscan warrior prince and his wife found, but what they thought was the prince was actually a princess.

4. OLDEST ROCK ART-- Found at a dried-up lake in a Nevada desert dating back to 10,500 to 14,800 years. The oldest art found in North America.

More to Come. --Cooter

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