Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hazards Bubble Up from Old Wrecks-- Part 5: Off Maryland and Delaware

Along with a photo of the W.L. Steed, there was a map of the waters off the Mid-Atlantic states showing some wreck sites that pose a risk.

VANRANGER-- Tanker carrying 12,700 tons of fuel oil torpedoed in 1942.

INDIA ARROW-- Tanker carrying 88,369 barrels of diesel fuel torpedoed in 1942.

JOHN MORGAN-- Collided with another vessel on its maiden voyage in 1943.

W.L. STEED-- Tanker carrying 66,000 barrels of crude oil torpedoed in 1941.

MARINE ELECTRIC-- Sank in 1983 with 3,600 barrels of fuel oil in its bunkers.

If any of these ships sank today, no doubt oil speculators would rush out to buy oil causing us regular folk to have to immediately pay higher at the pump.

Watch Out for the U-Boats! --DaCoot

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