Monday, November 28, 2011

David Prince First Anniversary, July 24, 1896-- Part 2

Minnie went home a few days before I did(the dear little creature would have gone earlier but I was feeling unwell) and the time seemed long before I could see her for this was the first time we had been separated any length of time since our marriage.

Minnie met me at train in Goldsboro though it was as early as 7 o'clock. I know I was happier to see her than ever before in my life. A week's stay at our homes passed hurriedly and happily (I forgot to mention that while home I bought me a watch and "Lorr" and I bought a suit of furniture) and we returned home and resumed work.

Everything moved on well. We had a good school and our closing exercises were good. After the boys left it was a little dull but we all felt more free and had a good time.

But alas the rain must fall. Minnie's mom, and mine, for I loved her devotedly, was taken sick. For several days we were uneasy but prayed to God earnestly and hoped. In fact, we did not think our Mother was dangerously ill, but at last a message came calling us home. Indeed, it was a sad journey, but a hopeful one.

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