Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Ten Things You Might Not Know About Poison-- Part 2

3.  MR. YUK--  A cartoon character with his tongue sticking out, is put on poisonous products to signal danger, especially for children.  He was developed at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh.  The more traditional warning, a skull and crossbones, wasn't considered effective enough in the city because they were worried about confusion with their major leagie baseball team.

Well, at least Mr. Yuk is better than that silly "Smile" face.

4.  ARSENIC: POISON AND CURE--  Charles Darwin used an arsenic product to treat skin outbreaks, but often complained of physical ailments which match those of arsenic poisoning.  It was an effective treatment for syphilus (Right.  You Dead, You Cured.)  Karen Blixen, who wrote "Out of Africa" under the name Isak Dinesen used arsenic.

Some think Napoleon was slowly poisoned by the stuff and hair samples taken from him at his death showed high levels of it.  However, hair samples from earlier in his life also showed high levels.  The arsenic may have come from hair ointment, gunpowder or wallpaper paste.

Arsenic.  She'll Love to Run her Fingers Through Your Hair.  --Cooter

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