Wednesday, March 10, 2010

About This Blog As It Approaches the 1000th Entry

Cooter's History Thing is the 4th and hopefully final blog that I started back on December 14, 2007. Had I known all the work, even though enjoyable, that went into keeping these going, I'm not sure that I would have started it. But here it is and away I go.

This one, like my Civil War one, grew out of the Down Da Road I Go Blog. That one was set up to be about music and my life in general, but I noticed more and more entries were on historical items, hey, I taught social studies for 33 years and have been a history/Civil War buff since I was 7.

I decided to "ship" the history stories off to this new blog.

Over the months and years, this has become much more of a World War II blog than anything else as the "Greatest Generation" continues to leave us.

In the past, I was very interested in Pearl Harbor, but now it has expanded to all aspects of the war, particularly the home front and US prisoner of war camps.

Tomorrow, Big Number 1000!! --Cooter

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