Saturday, October 27, 2012

First Time Out and Finds a Trove of Roman Coins

From the Oct. 18, 2012, Yahoo! News, ABC News "First-Time Treasure Hunter Discovers Trove of Roman-Era Coins" by Suzan Clarke.

The lucky dog.

An unnamed man bought a basic metal detector in Britain and has uncovered a trove of Roman coins, believed to be the largest in English history.  The Roman solidi, dating back to the 4th century are estimated to be worth $160,000 in U.S. dollars, or 100,000 English pounds.

The first-timer found 40 pieces and then brought them to the shop where he bought the detector in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire and then returned with the shop's owners and a better detector and found 119 more.

The coins are 22 carat gold and in great shape.  The Solidu coins date from the closing years of the 4th century and were typically issued as sacrifice to the gods.

They were found on private land.

Would That Ever Be Neat to Do.  --Cooter

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