Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ten Things You Might Not Know About Teachers-- Part 1

From the August 28, 2011, Chicago Tribune by Mark Jacob and Stephan Benzkofer.  These guys are a pair of great researchers to be able to come up with all this interesting stuff.

Of course, this was from a year ago, before the Chicago teachers went out on strike, now entering its third day.  Of note, yesterday, Der Mitt went to Lake Forest, Illinois, to raise $4 million from some of his rich buds in that millionaires' conclave, and while there blasted Obama for "his" Chicago teachers' strike.  This morning, the Lake Forest teachers went on strike.  Coincidence?

1.  PINK FLOYD'S 1979 song "Another Brick in the Wall, Part II"--  with lyrics such as "We don't need no education" and "Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone" put an unwelcome spotlight on a maverick London high school teacher known for chain-smoking in class.  Of course, with these lyrics, perhaps "them" kids needed some grammar (or is it grammer?).

Music teacher Alun Renshaw brought 23 students to the studio to record the song's chorus for Pink Floyd, but failed to secure his boss' permission.  The school got lots of criticism, the music department got 1,000 pounds, and Renshaw got out of the country, moving to Australia.

When Liz and I retired and had our last annual End-of-the-Year Party, this was one of our two "Theme Songs" along with "School's Out" by Alice Cooper.

"Hey, Teacher, Leave Them Kids Alone!"  We Sure Did.  --Cooter

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