Monday, September 3, 2012

Ten Explanations for the Bermuda Triangle

From the August 12th Listverse.  as always, I'm just listing them, if you want pictures and much more detail, check the site out.  Mighty interesting stiff.

10.  Plain old human error
9.  The Gulf Stream
8.  Rogue Waves (And, we get them in certain parts of the Chain of Lakes, but they're no threat to sink the boat, just very annoying when you're trying to nap or read.)

7.  Methane Hydrates  (Hunh?)
6.  Hurricanes
5.  An Electromagnetic Aberration
4.  Positive Gravitational Maseon (Hunh?)

3.  Aliens
2.  Rip in the Space Time Continuum
1.  Submerged Island of Atlantis

Oh Well.  --DaCoot

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