Saturday, September 29, 2012

Presidential Perks-- Part 4

Finishing up the this topic.


The president gets the West Wing, where the Oval Office is (and I always thought it was in the White House), with a view of the Rose Garden (good for those thorny issues).   Also in the West Wing (I liked the TV show) is his top staff, usually about 18. 

The first lady gets the East Wing.  Both wings extend from the White House, which is the residence only.  She has an office with several staff assistant offices.


A putting green on the South Lawn; a gym in the White House; and the circular drive on the South Lawn is rubberized for aerobic walking.  The pool was removed to make room for the media briefing room in the West Wing.  (And, I'd heard something about a bowling alley and a movie theater.)


A paneled and mirrored private elevator is in the residence manned by a fellow who tells select visitors, "Welcome to the presidential elevator."  (Not having ever been invited, I can't attest to this, however.)


Each morning the Bushes had several newspapers delivered, which they liked to read in bed.  (Wow, getting news the old-fashioned way.  Perhaps the current president gets his his a teleprompter.)

Of Course, I Have to Wonder Why Anyone Would Ever Want the Job.  --Cooter

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