Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ten More Ancient Alien Mysteries

From the July 28th List Universe.

What with the new "Cowboys & Aliens" movie coming out.

10. The Nazca Lines in Peru
9. Vimanas-- India-- Sanskrit stories about the flying machines from more than 2,000 years ago.

8. Pyramids of Giza
7. Teotihuacca, Mexico

6. Sumerians believed they were created by the Annunaki, extraterrestrials
5. Pascal's Sarcophagus-- Maya leader. A space ship appears to be on the top of his sarcophagus.

4. Mahabharata and Ramyana-- Ancient Indian epics about men in flying machines and nuclear-like explosions.
3. Puma Punku-- South American Bolivian Highlands. The massive scale of the buildings not possible without modern tools.

2. Aliens and the Third Reich-- how they got all the advanced technology. In 1939, their scientists invented a flying saucer-shaped aircraft.
1. Flower of Life--Found at the Temple of Osiris, Romania, Israel, China and many more places. Everything in the universe comes out of this pattern.

Of course, Listverse has pictures of each and more information.

They Came From Outer Space. --Cooter

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