Friday, April 9, 2010

World War II-- A Look Back

The September 9, 1939, Daily telegraph of Britain reported that four merchant ships had been sunk in recent days. These were in the early days, but the U-boats were already putting on a choke hold on Britain.

The ships:
Manaar-- 7,242 tons
Pukkastan-- 5,809 tons
Winkleigh-- 5,055 tons
Tamara-- 3,747 tons

The Manaar was torpedoed without warning and survivors were without food for 24 hours. The sub surfaced and opened fire. There was also one account that said four subs joined in the attack.

The steamer Olivegrove was sunk Thursday and the sub stood by and took two life boats in tow. It signaled the liner Washington then submerged while the Washington picked up the Olivegrove's crew.

I imagine the crew of the Washington had to be more than a little worried about all this and keeping an eye open for torpedoes.

Some Really Bad Days for England. --Cooter

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