Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Wilmington, North Carolina's Revolutionary Anniversaries Upcoming in 2021: The American Revolution

From the December 21, 2020, Wilmington (NC) Star-News "Battleship North Carolina, Wilmington  Ten among major  2021 anniversaries" by Hunter Ingram.

Okay, 2020 has not been such a wonderful year, but there are some interesting and noteworthy  anniversaries that took place in Wilmington, N.C., coming up next year.

These are ones dealing with the American Revolution:


The 240th anniversary of the British capturing Wilmington during the American Revolution.  In April, one of the region's leading Patriots, Cornelius Harnett, would die on his birthday after being held in a roofless prison by the British in downtown Wilmington.



The 255th anniversary of the Stamp Act Rebellion at Brunswick Town:  One of the earliest acts of rebellion in the colonies against the British crown.  The rebellion, which started with protests the preceding fall, saw Patriots holding future Royal Governor William Tyron under house arrest until he met their demands to stop the Stamp Act, which was a new tax on the colonists.



The 245th anniversary of the Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge on Feb. 27, 1776:  The swift battle  saw the clash between North Carolina Patriot and Loyalist militias.  The Loyalist militia was aided by the Scottish Highlanders.  This took place in present-day Pender County.

The Patriot victory kept the British from invading the South for three years.  Today, the site is today the Moore's Creek U.S. National Military Park.


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