Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Speedwell-- Part 5: Leaks Are Upon Us

The Mayflower and Speedwell began their voyage to the New World from Southampton on 5 August 1620, but the Speedwell again began taking on water, and again the two ships had to put into harbor for Speedwell repairs.  This time at Dartmouth.

By now, it was getting very late to attempt am Atlantic crossing as winter was fast approaching.  Much better to start a new colony in the spring or summer to give the colonist a chance to prepare for winter.  The Speedwell's leaking problem was putting the whole expedition into jeopardy.

Repairs were made and a third attempt by the two ships was made.  The Speedwell did its usual leaking and a return to Dartmouth.  This time the decision was made to get rid of the Speedwell.  Some of its passengers transferred to the Mayflowers and the rest stayed in England.

Now, the severely overcrowded Mayflower was to set off again on September 6, 1620.

Winter's A'Coming.  --Cooter

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