Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Uncle Ben and Mrs. Butterworth Also Changing Brands

 From the same paper as last post.

Uncle Ben's brand of rice and side dishes is also rebranding itself and Mrs. Butterworth's, one of Aunt Jemima's breakfast competitors is expected to take steps as well in these days of BLM.

Shortly after the Aunt Jemima announcement, Mars, which owns Uncle Ben's said they were going to "evolve" the brand.

The image of Uncle Ben, an elderly white-haired black man has been on boxes of rice for more than 70 years.  In 2007, Mars had said there would be no significant changes because  there was "a timeless element to him."

Also on Wednesday, Chicago-based Conagra Brands, which acquired Mrs. Butterworth when it bought Pinnacle Foods in 2018. said it had begun a brand and packaging review of the product line.  Mrs. Butterworth's iconic brown bottles have been on shore shelves since the 1960s.


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