Saturday, October 10, 2020

'Jesse James' Rides Horse on Lincoln Highway in DeKalb in 1920

 From the August 19, 2020, MidWeek  "Looking Back."

1920, 100 Years Ago.

"Last night about six o'clock the people of the business section were  very much surprised to see  a girl come riding on horseback down the Lincoln Highway dressed like Jesse James in his prime.  The girl looked to be about 12 or 13 years old and when asked where she was from, replied Vermont and that she was on her way to California.

"The biggest surprise to the crowd who gathered was the fact that she was 22 instead of just being just a 'kid.'  She stopped  for about 15 minutes then was on her way west."

I couldn't find any information on her but that sure would have been an interesting story.


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