Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Chicago's Bohemian National Cemetery-- Part 8: The Cermak Family Mausoleum (That Would Be Mayor Anton Cermak)

Tens of thousands of people waited in line for hours -- in the bitter cold-- to pay their respects to Chicago's 36th mayor, Anton Cermak, and an estimated 50,000 assembled in the Bohemian cemetery for the conclusion of his funeral procession in March 1933.

The Czech immigrant, who once sold firewood from a wagon, worked his way up to become chief of Chicago's Democratic machine and was considered a unifier of the city's working ethnic groups.  He was hit by bullets intended for President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt during a ride with him in a convertible car in Miami, on Feb. 15, 1933, and died 19 days later.

Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor, visited the site on Oct. 2, 1933.

The inscription upon his final resting place says:  "I'm glad it was me instead of you," which Cermak allegedly told FDR after he was shot.  The Tribune reported the quote without attribution.  Scholars doubt Cermak ever said these words.

Also in the Cermak mausoleum is one of the former mayor's daughters, Helena, who had been married to former Illinois Governor Otto Kerner Jr.

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