Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Friday the 13th News of Note-- Part 2: Bad Day for "Scarface"

OCTOBER 13, 1871:  As contributions pour into Chicago less than a week after the Great Fire, Mayor Roswell Mason orders all funds to be administered by the Chicago Relief and Aid Society.  However, this group is picky about who gets aid, showing favoritism to skilled workers and the affluent and still has hundreds of thousands unspent years later.  Imagine that happening in Chicago?

NOVEMBER 13, 1908:  Richard Nash, a Chicago cop at the West 13th Street Station, is fired.  He blames his bad luck on Friday the 13th.  And, he was hired on a Friday the 13th as well.

MARCH 13, 1931:  A bad day for Chicago's famed "Scarface."  A grand jury indicts Al Capone on an income tax evasion charge.

"Me and My Lil' Friend."  --DaCoot

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