Friday, March 27, 2015

Five Myths About Daylight Saving Time-- Part 2

3.  IT HELPS US CONSERVE ENERGY:  In 2005, Congress passed the Energy Policy Act which extended DST by a month to save four weeks of energy.  With a little more daylight available when pwople are awake, we can keep energy use down.

But the California Energy Commission had run studies that indicate energy saving at .18 percent at best.  Of course, this might lead to more air conditioning use.

4.  DST BENEFITS BUSINESSES:  Businesses lobbied for the 2005 act.  The Chamber of Commerce was definitely for it.  The grill and charcoal industries were behind it and say they gain $200 million in sales with the extra month.  The National Association of Convenience Stores probably lobbied most.  More time for kids to stock up and eat snacks and candy.  Even better around Halloween.

But, TV says its ratings suffer during DST.  hey, folks are outside.  The 8 o'clock hour (7 p.m. Central) is particularly hard hit.  Airlines are not happy either because of the cost of keeping domestic and international travel.  Amtrack is known to halt their trains for an hour in November so they don't show up early or leave before their 3 a.m. times.

5.  STANDARD TIME IS STANDARD:  We are actually on DST for eight months.  That kind of makes it THE STANDARD TIME, doesn't it.

Still getting used to the time change.

I Say Keep It Year Round.  --DaCoot

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