Monday, October 20, 2014

Round Lake School Teacher Strike 1994-- Part 3

I was always upset that our school board and administration chose to treat the teachers as horrible people who were apt at any moment to destroy a building or do injury to anyone. This was obviously a planned move on their part and set the stage for a long strike.

Teachers do not go on a strike for no reason.

They should have realized that, but they chose to treat us like criminals from the get-go.  I never had any respect for our school board or administration, even after the strike was finally over.  I still don't.

OCTOBER 17, 1994

Back to my journal for the first day.

"Walked over to the administration building where I found 150-200 teachers marching around the block.  There were three TV mobiles there with their antennas extended up to three stories and reporters doing interviewing.  We only had five teachers cross the line.  I only knew two: R.K. and D.L...

"All five were met with jeering and even profanity.  (That day all five became enemies of  mine and all five took the concessions we got at the end of the strike, but had done everything they could to hurt us.)

"The assistant superintendent Ellen Z., came out and took a lot of flack.  Mary D. (our superintendent) should have come out to do that job but was nowhere to be found."

I Still Get Angry As I Type This.

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