Saturday, October 4, 2014

Back in 2012: Rescued World War I Tortoise Needs New Home

From the August 11, 2012, New York Daily News.

The tortoise was rescued from the 1915 Battle of Gallipoli by a British soldier and taken back to Britain to begin a new life in the Tommy's (British soldiers were often referred to as Tommys) garden in Blakeny, Norfolk, England.

The owner was thought to have been named Morris and died more than 30 years ago.

The tortoise, named Blake, is a spur-thighed tortoise who was taken in by animal lover Marion Skinner in 1983, but she now has a bad back and can no longer care for it.

Blake was found as a very small tortoise and is estimated to be 98 years old now.

A retired tortoise breeder would like Blake returned to Gallipoli, but there have been over 300 other offers for a new home.

Keep Blake in England.  --Cooter

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