Saturday, July 5, 2014

Fox Lake Fireworks-- Part 1

From the July 2, 2014, Hi-Liter "History of Fox Lake fireworks displays include tragic 1956 event" by Gregory Harutunian.

"When it comes to the Village of Fox Lake (Illinois) and fireworks display, excluding the political variety, there is a long and distinct history befitting a "resort community."

Over the years, Fox Lake and Nippersink Lake have been the venues of choice for fireworks, both for land and water accessibility and a place for still-lit residue to fall.

For many years during the time from which we bought our first boat, now in our 30th year, the Mineola Bay Fourth of July fireworks were considered the beast in the area.  It drew huge crowds of boaters from both Illinois and Wisconsin as well as thousands who viewed it from the Mineola Hotel (dating to the 1880s) as well as from hundreds of bayside house parties.  Traffic was a major headache.

We watched these fireworks both by boat and from friends' homes.  Not only were the fireworks themselves impressive, but the hundreds of boats at anchor out in the water with their anchor lights lit was a striking scene.

This Was One Real Big Party.  --Cooter

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