Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Smokey Bear Gets Makeover-- Part 1

From the May 22, 2014, Chicago Tribune by Meg James.

"Warmer, fuzzier symbol, at 70, adds Facebook, Twitter to his neck of woods."    At the top of the article there was a timeline and six posters featuring Smokey (the) Bear and the caption: "Smokey Bear was created in 1944 as the face of wildfire prevention.  At that time, many firefighters and others were involved in the World War II effort, leaving a gap in the country's ability to overcome forest fires.  Enlisting the support of the public toward avoiding incidents that might lead to accidental fires began with a Walt Disney movie poster loan featuring Bambi.  Favorable response set the stage for an animal fire-prevention spokesman."


1944:  "Smokey Says: Care Will Prevent 9 Out of 10 Forest Fires."

1956: "Pals...Working Together--  Help Prevent Forest Fires."

1962:  "Remember-- Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires."

1978:  "Remember: There Are Babes in the Woods."  (Baby Animals).

1989:  "ONLY YOU"  Smokey holding a shovel and pointing at you.

2014:  "Happy 70th Smokey."

Still Smokey the Bear to Me.   --Cooter :

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