Monday, September 2, 2013

Jazz Age Gangsters-- Part 1: Some Things Don't Change Much

From the August 4, 2013, Chicago Tribune "Chicago Flashback: Chicago's Jazz Age gangsters were covered like celebrities" by Ron Grossman.

Chicago headlines from the 1920s and 1930s like "6 Wounded in 4 Gun Affrays; Gangs Fight Running Battle" could very well still be used today what with all the shootings, drive-bys and murders in Chicago.

I wonder what the death and wounded toll will be after this Labor Day weekend? Chicago streets are more dangerous than those in Afghanistan. And, we're fighting a war there.

And, Chicago streets were dangerous back in the 20s and 30s, especially if you were connected with any gangster activity. Only now, we have gangs of a different sort, but still involved in illegal activities.

The Tribune says even its reporters back then did not always report gangland activities appropriately. They would keep the public apprised of nicknames like "Mossy," "Big Steve" and "Dutch."

How About 'The Scourge?" --RoadDog

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