Thursday, June 27, 2013

Doubling Down on the McDonald's Dollar Menu-- Part 3: Breakfast

And, how I love that Dollar Breakfast Menu which was added in 2010.  On vacation, that is often where I head for that morning meal, especially in Panama City Beach, Florida.  Pick up a newspaper, get my reading done, maybe catch up on the internet, drink some coffee have a Sausage McMuffin and back to the room.  Bring something back for Liz who is not a morning person. 

And I always like to listen to the old retired guys talking about all the things they talk about on their daily get-togethers.  If I'm sittin', I'm listenin'.

Now, we have a new McDonald's here in Spring Grove, so I will visit there at least once a week.

Dollar items:

Sausage Biscuit
Sausage McMuffin
Sausage Burrito
Hash Browns
Small Coffee (Some markets sell all sizes for a buck.  Otherwise, for us seniros it is a better deal to order a Senior Coffee.)

The Sausage McMuffin by far is my favorite.  They really hit the mark with that creation.

And, to me, a buck is still a lot of money, but that's most likely because I am old.

Getting More Bang for My Buck.  --Cooter

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