Monday, May 20, 2013

Lincoln Slept Here, He Really Did

Go most anywhere in Illinois, and you find places claiming that Abraham Lincoln slept there.  The Monahan-Lincoln home in Sterling, Illinois, is one place he did according to records.

And he did it before the Lincoln-Douglas debates, back in 1856 when he was stumping for the new Republican Party's first presidential candidate, Fremont.  He was originally to spend the night at his friend from downstate, Wilson, a member of the Long Nine group of politicians, responsible for having the state capital moved from Vandalia to Springfield.  However, Wilson's wife had had a bad fall from a horse and was unable to be a host, so this house was selected.

The home was in great disrepair, but a local group acquired it and spent much time and money returning it to its former appearance.

We were able to stop at it on Saturday's Illinois Lincoln Highway Motor Tour across the state and it was a real highlight.

Thanks, Kay Sheton, for the Opportunity.  --Cooter

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