Friday, August 24, 2012

The Oval Office-- Part 1

From the Nov. 24, 2008, Time Magazine's A Brief History Of: The Oval Office.

Always an interesting bit of history based on something currently happening.  This one was President Obama taking over it.


FLAGS:  The U.S. and presidential flags hand for all presidents.
TABLE: Personal items
DESK: Traditionaly, the 1880 HMS Resolute desk
RUG:  Each president has their own.  The last Bush's looked like a sun.
FLOORING:  Originally made of cork, later linoleum, now wood.

One of the best-known rooms in the world and an enduring symbol of the presidency.  Before the 1930s, the Oval Office was in a different part of the White House and before that, wasn't even oval.

In 1902, President Theordore Roosevely built a rectangular room on the ground floor of the new West Wing, replacing offices on the second floor of the White House. 

Glad It's Oval Now.  The Rectangle Office Just Doesn't Have the Sound.  --Cooter

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