Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The 100th Anniversary of the Titanic's Sinking-- Part 2

Continued from April 16th.

One first-class woman who survived later spent her summers in York Harbor, Maine. HELEN CHURCHILL HUNGERFORD CONDEE of Washington, DC was a wealthy divorcee and author, was 53 when she boarded. described as beautiful, she was soon surrounded by suitors (perhaps Kate Winslet's character was based somewhat on her).

Walter Lord devoted an entire section to her on his follow-up Titanic book "The Night Lives On."

Condee was rescued in Lifeboat No. 6, the same one that "The Unsinkable Molly Brown was on. She died at age 90, August 23, 1949, at York Harbor.


Baker CHARLES JOUGHIN was the only person to survive the icy waters between the 2:20 AM sinking and the arrival of the RMS Carpathia an hour and a half later. reportedly, he survived by drinking himself into a stupor before jumping into the water.

Thanks to the wireless, the newspapers in Utah, three thousand miles away was able to keep up with the latest news. That's some new technology.

Walter Lord's "A Night to Remember" is considered to be the definitive account of the Titanic's sinking.

And the Story Continues. --DaCoot

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