Wednesday, December 21, 2011

'50s Fun in Harvard

Well, that would be Harvard, Illinois, and, unfortunately, this place is not open to the public.

From the Holiday 2010 McHenry County Living Magazine by Marla Gamze-Pendergrast.

Ted and Dorothy Ahrens have turned their basement into a 1950s soda fountain with all the jukeboxes, signs radios and furniture, all done to a Coca-Cola theme, you need to take you back to those "Happy Days."

Ted Ahrens this quest probably began back in 1986 when he ate at the Sugar Bowl restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois. I have eaten there as well and that is a real, authentic trip back in time, starting from the time you enter under the old sign over the sidewalk. (Also, the entertaining Choo-Choo restaurant is around the corner where your meals are delivered on a toy train. And, the original McDonald's franchise store is a couple blocks away.)

Back in the 1950s, Harvard had three soda fountains: Davidson's Drug Store, Barrett's Confectionery and Whipple's Drug Store.

The couple tracked down a 1938 liquid carbonic soda fountain in Des Monies, Iowa.

They have family gatherings there and have church groups in for a taste of nostalgia.

Looks Like a Great Place. Wish It Was Open to the Public. --Cooter

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