Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Back to the Elephants

From Wikipedia.

Probably the most famous elephant ever was Jumbo, born in 1861 in the French Sudan in Africa. His name came from a variation of Swahili words jumbo meaning hello and jumbe meaning chief. And he was a BIG elephant. His name is today commonly used to describe something very large.

Eventually, Jumbo stood at 10.7 feet and an estimated 13.1 feet at the time of his death..

He was at a British zoo before being sold to Barnum & Bailey Circus in 1882 for $10,000 and was a show stopper for many years.

After his death in St. Thomas, Ontario when he was hit by a locomotive, his body was put on display before it was destroyed by fire in 1975. His ashes were placed in a 14 ounce box of Peter Pan Crunch Peanut Butter.

Another elephant named Jumbo was used by John Hoyle to cross the Alps following Hannibal's trek in 1957.

One Big Elephant. --DaCoot

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