Thursday, December 9, 2010

Looking Back at Pearl Harbor

One thing about newspapers this time of the year, you start getting lots of articles about Pearl Harbor (and John Lennon on December 8th) and it was the same, even 50 years ago.

From the Dec. 8th Wilmington (NC) Star-News Back Then Column.

On December 7, 1960, the paper interviewed people about Pearl Harbor, nineteen years later. Most said they'd heard the news on the radio (although a lot of them had phone calls). They stayed glued to their radios the whole day listening to news as it became available. I'm sure more than a few were looking up Hawaii to see where it was.

Mrs. S.W. Binson of Wright Street said she was preparing Sunday dinner for her two daughters and their dates from Camp Davis. The dates were cut short when the radio announced that all military personnel were ordered to return to base.

I wonder if her daughters married the two fellows?

An Impact Still felt Today. --Cooter

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