Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gotta-Have-Its That Fizzled

The July 11th Chicago Tribune had an article The Early Birds" by Wailin Wong and Julie Wernau about those folks who feel obsessed to get the newest and latest things when they come out.

That definitely is not me on two counts: #1 it is always more expensive, and #2 it's just something else I have to learn how to do.

The Tribune ran an interesting graphic of some things that came out to revolutionize our lives, but ended up flopping.

1975 SONY BETAMAX-- Came out first but lost out to VHS by JVC.

1978 PIONEER LASERDISC-- Expensive and never had home recording capability. Final blow was the DVDs of the early 1990s.

1992 SONY MINIDISC-- created to replace the cassette player, but lost favor when CD-R prices fell and MP3 players gained in popularity

1996 WEBTV-- Internet via the TV

2001 SEGWAY-- Created to revolutionize human transport, now mostly used by police and tourists. (It might have made it had they not looked so stupid, other than when Niles Crane was tooling around on one on Fraser.)

2006 HD-DVD-- went head to head with Sony's Blu-ray format. It was discontinued in early 2008.

MICROSOFT KIN-- Introduced this past April to be the ultimate social networking device; dead by June.

I must say I never bought any of these, although I considered the webTV. How many to YOU have?

Could a Person Look Any Dumber When They're On a Segway? --DaCoot

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