Thursday, December 31, 2009

Other 1909 Events

By 1909, none of these had been invented: zippers, band-aids, bubble gum, penicillin, sun glasses, ballpoint pens, shopping carts, nylon stockings, kitty litter or milk cartons.

Life expectancy was 47 and 230 murders were reported. An accountant could expect to earn $2000 a year and a dentist $2500. An average worker could expect $200 to $400.

Sugar was 4 cents a pound and eggs 14 cents a dozen.

Most women washed their hair once a month, usually with Borax or eggs for shampoo.

Leading causes of death: pneumonia, influenza, tuberculosis, heart disease and strokes.

World population in 1909 1.7 billion. World population today 6.4 billion.

Interesting Stuff. --DaCoot

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