Saturday, July 4, 2009

Signers of the Declaration of Independence. What Kind of Men Were They?

Some facts and individual accounts of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, most of whom, unfortunately, are not well-known to most Americans, including myself.

### Jobs
24 were lawyers and jurists
11 were merchants
9 were farmers and plantation-owners
They were mostly men of means and well-educated. They knew exactly what they were doing by voting and signing for independence. The document itself was voted on today, 233 years ago, but not signed until much later.

### CARTER BRAXTON of Virginia, wealthy planter and merchant had his ships destroyed by British. Sold his home and property to pay debts, and died in rags.

### THOMAS MCKEAN of Delaware was hounded by British and forced to move family almost constantly. Served in Congress without pay. Possessions taken and died in poverty.

### LYMAN HALL, BUTTONS GWINNET, and GEORGE WALTON of Georgia, had their properties looted.

### EDWARD RUTLEDGE, ARTHUR MIDDLETON, and THOMAS HEYWARD of South Carolina had their properties looted as well.

### WILLIAM ELLERY of Rhode Island and GEORGE CLYMER of Pennsylvania had their properties looted.

More Hardships to Come. --Cooter

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