Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Then There Were Three: Time to Properly Honor The World War Veterans

Now that only three World War I veterans remain alive, it would seem that Britain and the United States should find the money to properly honor the sacrifices of this generation, and not just those on the firing lines, but everyone. This war greatly impacted those on the home fronts as well.

The United States finally got around to honoring the World War II generation with the new memorial in Washington, DC, but there is nothing on the mall for World War I other than a small one to honor DC's World War I veterans.

Britain has the Centopath, but I don't know much about it, other than it hosted the there remaining World War I veterans back on November 11th, 90th anniversary of the end of the war.

It would be nice for money to be found and plans made while the last three are still alive, even though they probably won't be around to see its completion.

Do the Right Thing. --Cooter.

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