Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Things You Don't Hear Anymore

Not saying I'm getting old, but....

These are things you rarely hear said anymore.

1. Fill the ice trays. (Well, we still have to fill 'em.)

2. Be sure to pull the windows down before you leave. It looks like it is going to rain. (Imagine un-air conditioned air. What pull down, we turn the crank.)

3. Don't forget to wind the clock. (As I sit here looking at the digital display to see when to head out for the movies.)

4. Wash your feet. You've been playing barefoot all day. (But, I tend to step on sharp objects and unamused bees.)

5. You've torn the knees out of your jeans so many times, there is nowhere to put a patch. (Hey, just make shorts.)

6. Don't go outside with your school clothes on. (Anymore, you can't tell the difference between school and play clothes.)

7. Pour the cream off the top of the milk when you open a new bottle. (OK, I wasn't old enough to remember this one.)

8. Take the empty bottles back to the store for a refund. (Those bottles earned me a lot of spending money growing up. Two cents a bottle.)

Were the Good Old Days Really That Good? --Cooter

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