Monday, February 18, 2008

How Masonic is Our Great Seal?

The February 13th Chicago Tribune had a short article on the Great Seal of the US. Throughout history, there have been many myths about it. On Feb. 12th, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who is the 66th custodian of the Great Seal, opened an exhibition to honor its 225th birthday.

Some Myths:

The seal is Masonic because of several of their symbols on it.

The seal draws on satanism.

Repeated references to 13 demonstrates the power of 13 American families.

The Facts

Masons use some symbols on the seal, but they have never been exclusively their domain.

"Novus Ordo Seclorum" translates to "A New Order of the Ages" and not the sinister "New World Order."

References to 13 refer to the original 13 states.

This is a whole lot of stuff I didn't know.

Ever so Sorry About This, Nicholas Cage. --Old Coot

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