And, out last stop on this tour of the Bohemian National Cemetery is the final resting place of Helen Sclair, whose efforts in the field of local cemetery-study are tremendous. That's right. She is now dead and has joined those whose memory she devoted much of her life to saving. Every tombstone has a story and it was her desire to find out as many as possible.
We need more people like her. She died in 2009.
Her last address is the same where she is now. While she was still alive, she lived her last eight years in a house on the cemetery grounds.
She is credited with uncovering a treasure trove of historic documents in the state archives at Northeastern Illinois University about Chicago's first cemetery, which was on the site that today is Lincoln Park. Mrs. Sclair was of the opinion that not every body was dug up when the cemetery became a park.
So, the next time you're at the zoo or enjoying Lincoln Park, just think....