Friday, December 25, 2015

"A Christmas Story":The Inside Scoop On the "Triple-Dog-Dare"-- Part 1

From the Dec. 12, 2015, Yahoo! Movies "That 'Christmas Story' Frozen Tongue Scene: The Inside Scoop on the Triple Dog dare" by Joal Ryan.

As I take a little break (or is it a brake) from chain-watching "A Christmas Story" on TNT (my favorite Christmas movie).

Scott Schwartz, now 47 and president of a child actor advisory group, was briefly on a #1 Box Office hit that quickly faded, but regained public awareness and popularity when it became a cable TV 24-hour marathon.

That movie, of course, "A Christmas Story"

He spent about six weeks working on the movie in 1983 and was 14 at the time and was a "pro" as he had already worked on "The Toy" the year before with Richard Pryor.

Schwartz was cast as Flick, best friend of Ralphie and says he gets calls from reporters every year around this time about his famous tongue-on-the-flagpole scene which showed school yard politics at their most intense (well, intense for back then).

And...  --Cooter

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