Thursday, June 28, 2012

Going, Going, Gone: Things We'll Be Losing in the Next Half-Century-- Part 2

TOILET PAPER--  Bidets will wash and dry at the touch of a button, eliminating paper waste.  Hey, it's a "Green Thing" and will add a splash to your life.  But...Yuck!!  Anyway.  Green or not, the spray's not for me!!

ANALOG CLOCKS--  The cell phones are synched to satellites and spring forward or back on their own and are always set even if your power goes out.  And, speaking of clocks, goodbye wrist watches.  But, I will always look really funny glancing at my empty left wrist when that happens. 

If you want to see something funny, get a young person under the age of 25 to look at a clock with the numbers and tell time.  However, I must admit to having a wrist watch with digital numbers so am bad myself.

DESKTOP COMPUTERS--  Some tech companies already have desktop-free offices.  However, I am going to miss my desktop with the big old TV monitor when it happens. 

GLOVE BOX ROADMAPS--  Hey, what with GPS and apps with traffic conditions, drive times and directions to the nearest Starbucks (like I can afford to drink my coffee there).  Actually, this is alright as those things were way TOO hard to fold back up.

LANGUAGE BARRIERS--  Portable translation software available.  This will make life easier.

More to Come.  --Cooter

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