Monday, May 23, 2011

Ten Things You Might Not Know About Elephants-- Part 4

8. AN ELEPHANT PARADE OF ONE-- When the Lincoln Park Zoo acquired Judy from the Brookfield Zoo in 1943, the 35-year-old elephant refused to ride in a flatbed truck, so she walked the 18 miles to her new home.

She received a zoo staff and motorcycle cop escort and set off at 7 pm, resting two hours in Garfield Park before arriving at Lincoln Park at 2:15 am.

I guess she was doing her part for the war effort and saving gasoline.

9. "DUMBO, THE FLYING ELEPHANT"-- Walt Disney bought the rights to "Dumbo" from husband-and-wife team Helen Aberson and Harold Pearl, for $1,000. The original was published as a rare roll-a-book (picture book on a scroll). The movie was released in 1941. Old Walt sure made a good profit on that purchase.

This was the film the Army general wanted to see in the hilarious movie "1941."

10. ALDERMAN "BATHHOUSE JOHN" COGHLIN, one of Chicago's most corrupt and colorful politicians, bought a Lincoln Park elephant named Princess Alice for a reported $3,000 around 1905 and shipped it off to his private zoo in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Another fine and well-researched job by Mark Jacob and Stephan Benzkofer.

And That's the Trunk of It. --Cooter

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