Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lotsa Stuff Happening July 2nd-- Part 1

Every day. the Chicago Tribune runs a list of events that took place on that day's date. July 2nd, there were a considerable number of important things. I was going to do this yesterday, but forgot about it.

1776 The Continental Congress resolved that, "These united colonies are and of right, ought to be , free and independent states." And so it began.

1881 President James Garfield (a Civil War veteran) was mortally wounded by Charles Guiteau, a disappointed office seeker in Washington, DC. Garfield died September 19th. How'd you like to go through life called "a disappointed office seeker" and president killer? I have lost count of how many times I've seen Guiteau referred to as "a disappointed office seeker." Had he gotten a job, would he have shot the president?

1904 A great day in Chicago as Riverview Park was opened at Western and Belmont avenues on the Northwest Side. Millions of people visited it before it closed in 1967. The first and almost last roller coaster I ever went on was called The Bobs. That cured me from wanting to go on any roller coaster for a long time.

A Real Busy Day, and I've Got More to Write About. --Cooter

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