Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ten Things You Didn't Know About Lincoln-- Part 2

#6. A turkey was sent to the White House for holiday dinner in 1863, and Lincoln's son Tad pleaded that it not be executed. Lincoln issued an order of reprieve, and the turkey was spared.

#7. Lincoln was the first president to lie in state at the US Capitol Rotunda.

#8. In 1870, a group of men tried to remove Lincoln's body from Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois, and hold it for ransom.

#9. The Lincoln Bedroom in the White House was never a bedroom in Lincoln's time; it was an office where Lincoln met with cabinet members and signed the Emancipation Proclamation. The room still contains a few pieces of office furniture from Lincoln's time and a copy of the Gettysburg Address.

#10. Lincoln's mother, Nancy Hanks, was a distant relative of actor Tom Hanks, making the president and the actor fourth cousins, four times removed.

Some Lincoln Stuff You Didn't Know. --Da Coot

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