Friday, February 13, 2009

Some Interesting Bits of Lincoln Info-- Part 2

Continued from yesterday.

** When asked by a reporter about Illinois' ban on interracial marriage, Lincoln replied, " The law means nothing. I shall never marry a Negress, but I have no objection to any one else doing so. If a white man wants to marry a Negro woman, let him do it--if the Negro woman can stand it."

** Claiming a case of "cold feet," Lincoln was a no-show for his own wedding to Mary Todd on Jan. 1, 1841. They later married Nov. 4, 1843.

** Lincoln won only 38 percent of the popular vote in 1860. In 12 southern states, his name wasn't even on the ballot. However, he got 180 electoral votes.

** Locally, the Lincoln Highway, the former Lincoln High School and Lincoln Restaurant in Canton, the former Lincoln Elementary and the Lions Lincoln Theater in Massillon are named for him.

Honest Abe. --Cooter

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