Thursday, April 28, 2022

What They Ate and Drank on the Titanic's Last Night-- Part 2: 'Popcorn Dan'?

On the evening before roughly 1,500 people would lose their lives in one of the worst maritime disasters of the 20th century, the first-class passengers aboard the Titanic sat down for an elaborate meal that included oysters, consomme Olga (a veal stock soup flavored with sturgeon marrow), filet mignon, poached salmon, chicken Lyonnaise, roast squab with cress, foie gras, roasted pigeon, lamb with mint sauce and punch romaine, a palate-cleansing granita flavored with oranges and drenched in Champagne.

If you've been wondering what they ate on the ship, author Veronica Hinke recreates the decadent meals, cocktails and dining protocol of history's most tragic voyage in "The Last Night on the Titanic: Unsinkable Drinking, Dining & Style."

Hinke's passion for the Titanic began back when she was a little girl growing up in the central Wisconsin town of Merrill.

She says she was haunted  by the local legend behind what turned out to be a real-life man, the so-called "Popcorn Dan."


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