Sunday, October 17, 2021

A Native American Timeline-- Part 3: New Mexico, Seven Years' War, Treaties and Sacagawea

**  1680:  A revolt of Pueblo Indians in New Mexico threatens Spanish rule there.

**  1754:  The French and Indian War begins, pitting these two groups against the English settlements in North America.

**  MAY 15, 1756:  The Seven Years' War between the French and British begins, with the Indians siding with the French.

**  MAY 7, 1763:  Ottawa Chief Pontiac leads Indians into battle against the British at Detroit.  The British retaliate by attacking Pontiac's warriors in Detroit on July 31, in what is called the Battle of Bloody Run.  Pontiac and his forces  successfully fend them off, but there are several casualties on both sides.

**  1785:  The Treaty of Hopewell is signed in Georgia, protecting  Cherokee Indians in the United States and sectioning off their land.

**  1788/1789:  Sacagawea is born.

**  1791:  The Treaty of Holston is signed, in which the Cherokee give up all their land outside  of the borders previously established.

**  AUGUST 20, 1794:  The Battle of Timbers, the last major battle over Northwest Territory commences and results in an American victory.


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