Wednesday, January 1, 2020

But Seriously Folks, This Blog Has Now Been Around for 14 Years and 5,548 Posts

This was the fourth blog I started back in 2007.  It grew out of my Down Da Road I Go blog when I found I was making so many history posts (I have always been very interested in any sort of history, especially the Civil War).

So, today's post begins the 14th year and this is my 5,548th post in it.

This is a good one as I now have three Civil War blogs, a World War II blog, a War of 1812 blog, an old road blog and one on music and what we've been doing.  I can write about anything in history not appropriate to one of the other blogs in this one.

At one time I seriously considered starting one dedicated to the Great War, World War I, but talked myself out of it.

It's called Cooter's History Thing and Cooter or DaCoot does the sign-offs because, who can take a Cooter seriously folks.

Spending Way Too Much Time On These Blogs, But Enjoying It.  --Cooter

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