Friday, January 10, 2020

Here Are Some Baseball Movies to Get You Through to Spring-- Part 2: "Major League"

FIELD OF DREAMS  (1989)   --  Costner was back as an Iowa farmer who plows up his cornfield to make a baseball diamond.  "Build it and they will come."  Hey, I'm a White Sox fan.

A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN  (1992)--  It's easy to root for this Penny Marshall-directed rouser, featuring Geena Davis, about the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.  "There's no crying in baseball!!"

THE SANDLOT  (1993)--  No film captures childhood summer nostalgia quite like this coming-of-age comedy about a group of rowdy pals in the early 1960s who play every day at a local sandlot.  I spend most of the summers between 7th and sophomore years playing out on a sandlot.

MONEYBALL  (2011)--  Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) figures out how to compete with stats as well as bats.

I'm going to add the next one.

MAJOR LEAGUE  (1989)   Back when baseball was still baseball and not just a money-grabbing bunch of players jumping from one team to another.  What a bunch of characters.  And, of course, the Bob Uecker.


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