Monday, October 30, 2017

A Coal Shortage in DeKalb in 1917

From the February 8, 2017, MidWeek  "Looking Back."

1917, 100 Years Ago.

"The coal situation in DeKalb is tighter right now than it has been in some time, especially as to coke and hard coal.  There is a fairly good supply of soft coal but hardly a wagon load or so of other varieties.

"One local coal merchant informs the Chronicle that he has only half a ton in his own cellar and not a pound of coke in the yard.  Others are also hard up for coal to supply their customers.  Another manager of a coke concern states that he will be having to use soft coal in his own house furnace within another day."

Looks like cold days ahead for DeKalb.  Was this a result of the United States preparing to get into World War I or a particularly bad winter?

Hard Coal Better Than Soft Coal.  --Cooter

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